Friday, April 18, 2008

shirq is

shirq is like a pun so obvious it only makes fools laugh.

shirq is edible weeds that are more nutritious than vegetables.

shirq is what makes the TAZ work

shirq is the permaculture principle of leverage

I won't say it but shirq is wu wei

shirq is when a reliable cog pops free

shirq is heresy.

shirq is experiencing the divine where others insist on its impossibility.

shirq is refusing to pledge allegiance to the Empire in all its guises.

shirq is widening the cracks from the Cave of Treasures--also known as the Black Iron Prison--to nurture the Palm Tree Garden.

shirq says the people were not made for the law, the law was made for the people.

shirq is being prepared for surprise, rather than being prepared against surprise.

shirq is gleaning, scavenging, foraging, sharing, and

shirq is the wealth of knowing enough is enough.

shirq is food, water, shelter, and recreation.

shirq lifts the spirit, shakes off the unnecessary burdens, and lends a hand.

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